The Maya of the pre-Hispanic period were the creators of a fascinating civilisation, and have left dozens of cities that reveal a remarkable architecture, advanced, technical sculpture, numerous frescoes, constructions, pottery vases and a detailed inventory of their religious beliefs, rituals, community life, habits and history.
About the exhibition
This exhibition enables the visitor to appreciate the legacy left by the Maya to humanity. It presents various aspects of the Maya culture and its creative abilities by focussing on different themes: the relationship with the environment, the cities' power and funerary rites. The exhibition seeks to present a general overview of the civilization, whilst highlighting the variety of styles and the aesthetic innovations achieved by the different Maya groups, each of which had their own language and mode of expression.
- Place: Galerie Jardin
From Monday 06 October 2014 to Saturday 07 February 2015Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm; Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm -
- Handicap visuel,
- LSF,
- Handicap mental,
- Handicap moteur
- Public: All publics
- Categorie : Exhibitions

Exposition "Mayas, Révélation d'un temps...