In reference to her photographic work, Françoise Huguier is presenting a selection of unusual, poetic objects she has gleaned throughout the world. The exhibition is designed like a travel journal.
“I keep these objects—sources of inspiration for my photographs—at my home like a travel journal. Taking a photograph is first an immaterial concept: I look then take a snapshot. Whereas for an object with volume, I immediately adopt a story that is not my own. […] This cabinet of curiosities bringing together my objects and photographs is both my microcosm and my way of fathoming the world’s intimate secrets; an encounter between the reality of objects and the virtual reality of photographs; the embodiment of a culture and of a popular art form. I’m not a collector, but rather a gatherer in accordance with my inspirations.”
Françoise Huguier
- Place: Atelier Martine Aublet
From Tuesday 30 June 2020 to Sunday 11 October 2020 -
- Handicap moteur
- Public: All publics
- Categorie : Exhibitions