The Bee, the bear and the Kuruba
Film et Vidéo
- Auteurs : Raja Vinod ;
- Editeurs : Bangalore Grassroots media ;
- Date d'édition : 2000
- Sujets : Kurumba (peuple de l'Inde) -- Transfert, Films ethnographiques Inde
- Langue(s) : Hindi
- Description matérielle : 1 Vidéocassette (VHS) (63 mn), : Son, coul., 1/2po
- Pays de publication : Inde
Tournage : Forêts de Nagarhole, Sud de l’Inde en 1999
The Kurubas are the original inhabitants of the forests of Nagarahole and Kakanakote in the Western Ghats, Southern India. Forcible eviction of the Kurubas strated in the early seventies. They were driven out of their ancestral lands deep inside the forest, and forced to liveon the roadside or plantations on the periphery. Today, they have nowhere to go, struggle with a way of life they find difficult to adapt to, and have become trespassers in their own land.