© musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, photo Pauline Guyon


The notion of "occupation" is both omnipresent and ill-defined. We use it to mean military situations and social struggles, but also to designate individual activity in the broadest sense, beyond the opposition between work and leisure. A symposium organised by Inalco and the Department of Research and Education of the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac

In one sense, it means collective interaction and a high degree of constraint; in the other, it conveys the idea of an active, full life. It is therefore a notion that carries with it the contradictions of contemporary man who, on the one hand, realises the impasse towards which the policies of massive territorial and resource monopolisation are leading, but on the other, constantly resorts to the lexicon of prehension (to learn, understand, grasp, apprehend, etc.) to describe how he knows things. The aim of this symposium will be to examine the idea of occupation from an interdisciplinary and multilingual perspective for a better understanding of its paradoxes and thus refract contemporary forms of freedom.

  • Free entry (subject to available places)
    Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)

  • Duration:  13:39
  • Place:  Salle de cinéma
  • TimeSlots:
    The Tuesday 10 October 2023 from 09:30 to 18:30

    The Wednesday 11 October 2023 from 10:00 to 18:30
  • Accessibility:
    • Handicap moteur
  • Public: Researcher, student
  • Categorie : Seminars

Around the event

Guided tours, workshops, concerts, etc.
all activities organized as part of the event

Around the event