Acting like a thief : a documentary
Film et Vidéo
- Auteurs : Friedman Kerim ; Talukdar Shashwati ;
- Editeurs : Watertown, MA Documentary educational resources ;
- Date d'édition : 2007
- Sujets : Théâtre -- Aspect social -- DVD -- Inde -- Ahmadābād (Inde), Films ethnographiques Inde
- Langue(s) : Hindi, Goudjrati
- Description matérielle : 1 DVD (15 min.), : Coul. avec séquences en n. et b. (PAL), son
- Pays de publication : Inde
Version originale en Hindi et Gujarati, sous-titres en anglais
This story of a Chhara tribal theatre group in Ahmedabad, India. The members of the Budhan Theatre are tribal rebels who were notifies as 'born criminals' by the British in 1871, and imprisoned in a labor camp in Ahmedabad. After Indian independence, they were de-notified, but the stigma of being 'born criminal' follows them to this day. This documentary reveals how theatre has transformed the lives of adults and children within the community