Manasa, the serpent goddess, is an important deity for Indians, so much so that it is not rare to see Indian families consecrate a temple just to her. Exhibited at the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, her sculpture is the starting point of a trip to India, on the lookout for legends of Indian snakes. Ianna Andréadis recreates a fascinating quasi abstract graphic universe based on Gita Wolf’s texts, in which the greatest Hindu and Buddhist myths on this spirit and forest creature are assembled.
The book is screenprinted and assembled using traditional Indian methods. It is the second publication in a collection in which Ianna Andréadis establishes a link between the pieces in the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac and their country of origin, situated within the four continents: The Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The first publication was entitled Aztec Bestiary (co-edited with Petra ediciones, Mexico).
48 pages • 17 x 17 cm • 14,90 €
Coédition musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac / Tara (Delhi)
ISBN: 9782357440104