“La pierre sacrée des Māori”, designed by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, takes visitors on a discovery of jade, pounamu in the Maori language, only found on the South Island of New Zealand.Described in stories dating back to the discovery of the island, jade has been a constant presence in the history of Maori society. The treasures on display include sculptures, tools and jewellery, including a rare hei tiki set (anthropomorphic pendants), in their traditional and contemporary forms, reflecting the collective foundations of Maori culture and identity.Creations by modern-day artists and craftsmen rub shoulders with productions from past centuries, which remain unaltered thanks to the exceptional properties of this mineral.
16.5 × 22 cm • 176 pages • € 35
Joint publication Actes Sud / musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac
Paris, June 2017
ISBN: 978-2-330-07747-1