Around Lucien Sebag
fall 2005
This second issue of Gradhiva presents a special survey entitled Autour de Lucien Sebag, drawn up and presented by Salvatore D’Onofrio, Professor at Palermo University. This special survey proposes to retrace the journey of Lucien Sebag, an ethnologist and a student of Claude Lévi-Strauss. An article by Bruno Karsenti addresses the relationship between the structuralism of Lucien Sebag, author of the work Marxisme et Structuralisme, published in 1964, one year before his premature death at the age of thirty-one. Salvatore D’Onofrio and John Leavitt return to the structural analysis of the myths and dreams pursued by Lucien Sebag and as it appears in his articles and his posthumous book, L’ Invention du Monde chez les Indiens pueblos. The documents and materials in this special survey – photographs in the field, extracts from manuscripts and letters – revive the research that this ethnologist conducted among the Guayaki and the Ayoré in Bolivia and Paraguay.
Also in the contents of this issue are articles on the relationship between populations and ethnologists and on the life-cycle of objects in ethnographic museums.
studies and essays
- Le musée d'Ethnographie de la Société de Géographie d'Egypte, by Emmanuelle Perrin
- L'Aigle et le Corbeau. Quand les Aborigènes s'invitent à la table des anthropologues [When the Aborigines invite themselves to the anthropologists’ table], by Bastien Bosa
- Objets de musée, n'avez-vous donc qu'une vie ? [Objects of the museum, do you have only one life?] by Fabrice Grognet
subject matter: around lucien sebag
- Présentation, by Salvatore D'Onofrio
- Le Discours du mythe, by Salvatore D'Onofrio
- L'expérience structurale, by Bruno Karsenti
- L'analyse des rêves, by John Leavitt
DOCUMENTS and materials
- A special survey including archives, extracts of manuscripts and iconography, composed from the Lucien Sebag collection at the Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale du Collège de France.
- About the Africa Remix exhibition
science forum
- 160 pages (20 x 27 cm)
- 100 illustrations
- ISBN : 2-915133-10-7-
- €18