Discover the riches of the Māori world through taonga tawhito and contemporary art. The exhibition Leurs trésors ont une âme [Their treasures have a soul] presents impressive traditional and contemporary taonga of inestimable value.
Photographs and individual stories relating to these treasures provide a portrait of an entrenched contemporary indigenous culture and shed light on the values, which underlie and guide the cultural and political expression of the Māori even today.
Based on the remarkable exhibition developed by the Te Papa Museum and shown at the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, "Their Treasures have a Soul" introduces the key concepts of the Māori world – mana, whakapapa and kaitiatanga – and explores the historical battle faced by the Māori for self-determination, or tino rangatiratanga.
192 pages • 21,5 x 24,5 cm • 29,50 €
Co-published by musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac / Somogy éditions d’art 2011
ISBN: 9782757204535