The Plastic Arts of Haïti
February 2015
Devoted to the transformations of plastic creativity in Haiti, during the period from the decade of 1930-1940 till today, this issue of Gradhiva delves into two periods of particularly marked reconfiguration: that begun in the decade of 1930-1950 and that which occurred in the decade of 1980-1990, showing how creative people work and re-work stabilized forms while ceaselessly inventing new ones and exploring the possibilities offered by materials and techniques that were unexplored up to then. The contributions assembled in this issue explore more specifically two major inter-connected themes: on one hand the “creative process” (creativity, knowledge and memories), and on the other hand institutional dynamics (art center, market, museum and international exhibitions).
Special issue: The Plastic Arts of Haïti
Coordinated by Carlo A. Célius
- Introduction, by Carlo A. Célius
- La peinture naïve d’inspiration chrétienne. Discours, héritages, représentations, [discourse, heritage and representation] by Danielle Bégot
- La diaspora en dialogue : James A. Porter et Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noël, ou comment écrire l’histoire de l’art haïtien, [James A. Porter, Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noël and the writing of Haitian art history] by Lindsay J. Twa
- Tina Girouard et l’art des sequins d’Haïti, by LeGrace Benson
- Quelques aspects de la nouvelle scène artistique d’Haïti, by Carlo A. Célius
- Trois capitaines pour un empereur ! [Three captains for an Emperor!] Histoires de bizango, by Catherine Benoît et André Delpuech
Studies and essays
- Le tatouage samoan et ses agents. Images, mémoire et actions rituelles, [images, memory, and ritual actions] by Sébastien Galliot
- Loin de Django. La musique des Manouches de Pau, by Jean-Luc Poueyto
Book reviews
- « La magie de l’authenticité » : Deux décennies d’exposition et d’étude de l’art haïtien aux États-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne, by Edward J. Sullivan
- Par-delà le structuralisme : Maurice Godelier, lecteur matérialiste de Claude Lévi-Strauss, [Maurice Godeler, materialist reader of Claude Lévi-Strauss] by Laurent Berger
- 264 pages (20x27 cm)
- 72 illustrations
- ISBN: 978-2-35744-075-3
- €20